Mindful senses

Using our five senses to practice mindfulness, we focus on our environment instead of your thoughts. When we are aware of our senses, we are paying atttention to the present moment which helps absorb details, think clearly, be relaxed and aware. 


This simple practice of 5-4-3-2-1, is easy quick and can be done anywhere and anytime.


What I See


First, notice 5 things that you can see. Look around you and become aware of your environment. Try to pick out something that you don’t usually notice.

What I Hear

Second, notice 4 things you can feel. Bring attention to the things that you’re currently feeling, such as the texture of your clothing or the smooth surface of the table you’re resting your hands on.

What I Touch

Third, notice 3 things that you can hear. Listen for and notice things in the background that you don’t normally notice. It could be the birds chirping outside or an appliance humming in the next room.

What I Smell

Fourth, notice 2 things you can smell. Bring attention to scents that you usually filter out, either pleasant or unpleasant. Catch a whiff of the pine trees outside or food cooking in the kitchen.

What I Taste


Finally, notice 1 thing you can taste. Take a sip of a drink, chew gum, or notice the current taste in your mouth.

Using Your Senses to Calm Down: The 5-4-3-2-1

Mindful Listening - Guess the Sound

Mindful Moments with JusTme - Mindful Listening

Mindful Eating and Drinking


Mindful eating and mindful drinking are wonderful ways to bring mindfulness into our day. So many opportunities to practice paying atttention to the present moment which helps absorb details, think clearly, be relaxed and aware. 



 Practice the skil with a raisin.

  1. Right now you're an alien. Observe the raisin as if you've never seen a raisin before.
  2. What do you notice with your eyes, without touching it. Notice the shape, size, how the light shines on it...?
  3. Now close your eyes and notice what it feels like in between your thumb and your pointer fingers. Is ot soft, smooth, bumpy?
  4. Now hold it close to your nose. What do you notice, how does it smell?
  5. Now hold it between your fingers again, next to your ear. Squeeze it. Does it make a sound?
  6. Good. Next we are going to eat the raisin, but we are going to eat it very slowly. Place it on your tongue without chewing it.
  7. What happens inside your mouth? Now slowly start to chew. Notice everything that is happening in your mouth. Which side of your mouth does the raisin go to? Swallow the raisin and notice how you feel.


How is eating like this different than the way you normally eat?

When is a good time to try mindful eating? Snack time, lunch, dinner, trying new foods, etc.

How do you think mindful eating helps you practice mindfulness?

Do you think mindful eating will change the way you eat?

Mindful Eating Exercise with Chocolate